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Peter Pallotta

Re: Topp’s Travels 2012 – January Course of the Month: May River
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2012, 12:25:07 PM »
The usually astute Dan Kelly picked the wrong line to highlight in bold.  The keeper is:

"If I were a better person, I would have started this trip with goals of enjoying camaraderie, nice weather and good golf courses.  But I am not a better person."

A liberating admission!!


Dan Kelly

Re: Topp’s Travels 2012 – January Course of the Month: May River
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2012, 02:05:37 PM »
The usually astute Dan Kelly picked the wrong line to highlight in bold.  The keeper is:

"If I were a better person, I would have started this trip with goals of enjoying camaraderie, nice weather and good golf courses.  But I am not a better person."

A liberating admission!!


The usually astute Peter Pallotta is confusing a lie with an admission!

As a matter of  fact, Jason *is* a better person ... albeit, apparently, a liar ....


"There's no money in doing less." -- Joe Hancock, 11/25/2010
"Rankings are silly and subjective..." -- Tom Doak, 3/12/2016

Peter Pallotta

Re: Topp’s Travels 2012 – January Course of the Month: May River
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2012, 02:12:06 PM »

thanks for the thread, Jason.  It is a part of the world that is close enough to home to make a winter get-a-way a real possibility one day.

Howard Riefs

Re: Topp’s Travels 2012 – January Course of the Month: May River
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2012, 06:40:06 PM »
Golfweek takes a tour of the familiar Harbour Town and the delights at May River.

"But just as Harbour Town rightly is praised annually by the world’s best players, so too does May River stand as testament that Nicklaus has learned well since that first architecture assignment with Dye."
"Golf combines two favorite American pastimes: Taking long walks and hitting things with a stick."  ~P.J. O'Rourke

Doug Siebert

Re: Topp’s Travels 2012 – January Course of the Month: May River
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2012, 03:28:46 PM »
    My father was a baseball player and has pleasant memories of one year in which he played catch every month in Iowa.  Such an effort may seem trivial to those of you in warmer climates but there is something magical in his face as he describes  playing catch on the moderately warm January days with a bit of snowmelt in the yard.   For me, escaping the shackles of the seasons still carries magic.

     I do not believe I have played golf every month of any single year.  I plan to rectify that situation in 2012.  In this thread, I will continue my 2011 thread by sharing a course of the month.  Hopefully I will provide some entertainment and serve as an information source for your travel plans.  

Where in Iowa did you grow up, and when?  Living in Iowa City there have been several years when I've played every month of the year here.  And I'm a pretty fair weather golfer, it has to be over 50 including wind chill and no snow on the ground (other than shaded areas or drifts that haven't quite melted) before I'll consider coming out for nine holes in the winter.

Seems like you could play catch almost anytime, at least judging by the older kid who lived across the street from me growing up, who would shovel out his driveway and shoot hoops when the wind chill was below zero! :o
My hovercraft is full of eels.

Jason Topp

Re: Topp’s Travels 2012 – January Course of the Month: May River
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2012, 07:51:47 AM »
    My father was a baseball player and has pleasant memories of one year in which he played catch every month in Iowa.  Such an effort may seem trivial to those of you in warmer climates but there is something magical in his face as he describes  playing catch on the moderately warm January days with a bit of snowmelt in the yard.   For me, escaping the shackles of the seasons still carries magic.

     I do not believe I have played golf every month of any single year.  I plan to rectify that situation in 2012.  In this thread, I will continue my 2011 thread by sharing a course of the month.  Hopefully I will provide some entertainment and serve as an information source for your travel plans.  

Where in Iowa did you grow up, and when?  Living in Iowa City there have been several years when I've played every month of the year here.  And I'm a pretty fair weather golfer, it has to be over 50 including wind chill and no snow on the ground (other than shaded areas or drifts that haven't quite melted) before I'll consider coming out for nine holes in the winter.

Seems like you could play catch almost anytime, at least judging by the older kid who lived across the street from me growing up, who would shovel out his driveway and shoot hoops when the wind chill was below zero! :o

Des Moines until 1984.  It might have been possible to play every month one or two years but I never considered the possibility.  I played basketball in the winter and did not even think about golf until March. 
