Mike - you're not far off.

The "problem" is, my wife is way beyond game-playing when it comes to the negotiation for trips like this. Best to just fall on one's sword these days.. that seems to work better. That's how this trip got sold. That and "it's already booked and paid for".

But my take about time with the boys is sincere. It's likely blasphemy in here, but I'll take a round with them on a parking lot over solo at Sand Hills, Cypress Point, Sheep Ranch, you name it. Yes, I am a weird cat.
Now if I could get all 16 of them over at Sheep Ranch, well then THAT is golf heaven. But that can't be done - both from their end and ours... That is, I've been told the folks that handle Sheep Ranch won't have room for that many while I'm there, but perhaps more importantly I can't convince at least half of the guys that it's worth doing anyway. Different crowd, yes. But especially for the guys who haven't yet been to Bandon, well... giving up a round on an existing Top-25 course for an unproven thing that by some definition isn't even a golf course is just a VERY tough sell.
Look how Jonathan and Joel described Sheep Ranch and their feelings about it... and they are by most definitions "purists"... then imagine the take of guys who great as they are as friends are as far from purists as I am from skinny... Hopefully you can understand the difficulty of selling them on Sheep Ranch.