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« on: June 02, 2005, 09:34:19 AM »
Worth the effort to rescue.
I imagine the neglect has left the original Ross without outside tampering.
A parallel could be made to Triggs in Providence which was all but left for dead (Mats for tees, Hard packed soil for bunker "sand", Greens so slow and bumpy the ball considered going back up the stimpmeter).
Is Ponky worse ?
If Triggs can be brought back (somewhat, still work to do), why not the venerable Ponk.
My question is- are the bones of the course better than those at Triggs? If so I imagine it would be well worth it.


« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2005, 09:56:46 AM »
There have been a number of news articles written, trying to save Ponky.  My understanding is that it is mired in politics and nobody wants to spend the cash.  The articles were on the wall of the clubhouse the last time I was there, but that was 3 or 4 years ago.  Most people I've talked to think it should be a project on the scale of Bethpage to make it a big time place.

Michael Wharton-Palmer

« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2005, 11:46:32 AM »
I played my very first tournament in the US at Ponky, and was shocked at it's poor conditioning...and that was back in 1978...I can only imagine how bad it is now.
But even at that tender age I loved the layout, and remember telling my dad what a shame it was that such a good design was being neglected.
With so much new crap being built, it is a shame that nobody willl invest in such a good piece of land and existing layout.


« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2005, 02:25:06 PM »
For at least twenty, if not thirty years, Ponky has been the subject of great debate, but that's as far as it gets... debate.

Massachusetts politics,nepotism,patronage, and yup, corruption have made any attempt at actually doing something over there impossible.

I know of two very well connected and wealthy patrons of golf that tried to make a change at Ponky even to the point of endowing a trust to renovate both courses, they became disgusted and gave up.

The two golf courses are spectacular pieces of land, and GCA, I think #1 with its elevation changes is the better of the two. The Tufts archives has some pretty extensive info on Ponky, a first class restoration would certainly put the place on the golf map again.

One of my Service Stations was directly across the street from Ponky and it was quite a site in those days to see a dilapidated 3 wheel golf cart with a tiller for a steering wheel and a 55 gallon drum strapped on the back of it weasel its way through traffic to cross Rte 138 to fill that damn drum with gas.
 The guy that had the job of filling that drum was Andrew Morse, who later played on the old Hogan and Nike tours for quite a few years, he actually played in a couple of U.S. Opens too.He would drive this farting, smoking, piece of crap through that traffic shaking his fist at the drivers to get the hell out of the way, it was hysterical. I used to turn my back and pray that he made it across the street again without an explosion, I couldn't watch the return trip it was too nerve wracking. At least the MDC paid cash for the gas in those days, if I had to submit vouchers I'd still be waiting for the money.

Someday, all the bad guys will die and something will get done.


« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2005, 04:08:05 PM »
Worth the effort to rescue.
I imagine the neglect has left the original Ross without outside tampering.
A parallel could be made to Triggs in Providence which was all but left for dead (Mats for tees, Hard packed soil for bunker "sand", Greens so slow and bumpy the ball considered going back up the stimpmeter).
Is Ponky worse ?
If Triggs can be brought back (somewhat, still work to do), why not the venerable Ponk.
My question is- are the bones of the course better than those at Triggs? If so I imagine it would be well worth it.

Ponky was visited a few years back by the USGA heirarchy and there was some discussion of renovating and holding an Open there ala Bethpaige Black.  As the courses are owned by the State the USGA probably got heartburn trying to deal with them.  Nothing happened and I have heard nothing more.  
The conditioning is atrocious.  The layout outstanding.
Fairways and Greens,
