Read the top line quickly, expecting great things, not realizing the date.
Couldn't find the quote but found this interesting...from the same site, though not quite as dated (May 04, 2005.):
Stop Blaming the Ball!
"Enough! I’ve had it with the people who are definitively preaching the golf ball is ruining the game, limiting competition, and making classic courses obsolete...
By Peter Kostis,17742,1057214,00.htmlHilarious.
I've never heard anyone blame just the ball, it surely is a culmination of elements, but the ball is the only element we can control, so it's the ball which gets the focus.
In the end the ball IS going too far...has made classic courses obsolete and will disagree with Kostis that the ball hasn't limited (narrowed) competition, but increased it because there is less thought, strategy and shotmaking required.
Shorten the ball, and reduce the maximum number of clubs to 9 or 10. Then we'll see a return to shotmaking and identifying the best golfers.