Most of the head locations were established 40 years ago.
More than just sprinkler heads clutter some areas.
The shame is that most of the heads are in these concave wings that tend to rise up at the corners of the greens, which just happen to be fantastic areas for hole locations or nearby hole locations. Those areas also place a premium on recovery should you miss them.
The recapture of these areas would add greatly to the golfing experience on these courses.
At a time when all too many clubs are focused on building tees to lengthen the course, this area is overlooked in terms of getting the golfing bang for the buck.
What's the largest or longest pop-up head in use ?
It would seem that the ideal solution would be to take the heads off of the foot pad, if they could be located nearby and popped up to an elevation equivalent to their current site, prior to begining their cycle.
Donnie Beck,
Using cores that used to be discarded is a great way to insure continuity of the playing conditions when work is undertaken.
I don't remember this practice being employed ten years ago.
When did you first hear about it or use it ?