Both Bobby's and his wife Mary's families wintered in Augusta for many years. The area (including Aiken, S.C. about 20 miles away) was at the time a very popular Eastern big money winter resort. The Morgans, the Lowells, the Fricks, the whole bit, spent a couple of months every year in the area. Massive hotels were built, a large number of golf and riding clubs existed (some of which still exist). It was the place to be in the cold months until Florida resorts began to be developed in the mid-20's.
I mention that only to give background to the kind of club (not course) Jones wanted to found. His model, I think, was Cypress Point GC, also located in a vacation spot for the rich. It was to be a small private club composed of wealthy men that would afford Jones lots of privacy.
Also like Cypress, there was no intention (at least early on) to hold national tournaments at ANGC. The Great Depression changed their thinking on that. The suvival of the club became an issue. The idea of the Masters came only after the USGA told them they wouldn't set an early spring date for the US Open. So Roberts suggested they hold an invitational tournament, trading on Jones's name. Jones did not like the idea initially, but eventually came around. And the rest is history.
So no, I don't think there was much thought given to ANGC as a championship venue at the time it was built.
More to the point, the concept of a "championship" course is just not the way MacK or Jones thought about architecture. That is more like the way the USGA or real estate developers talk.