We have just been awarded a contract for a project that I would like your advice on. This course is being built in a town called Sauda. There are only 5000 inhabitants in the town and many of those work on the oil rigs.
It is famous for it's winter vacations and a number of golfers have got together to create a golf club and now have some finances to create a golf course. It will be of the 'Executive' (hate that word) type with only one Par 4 and one Par 5 the rest Par 3s.
One of the holes has a natural creek running in front of the potential green site as well as a stone dyke. Both of which we are keeping. There is also a small shack just below the greensite.
I want to keep the shack. It will not block the view of the green but will block the view of the chipping area behind it below the green. The tees are where the rocks are in the foreground.
So do we keep it or lose it?
I have also enclosed a picture of the mountains behind the site.

We took the job because I fell in love with the site, the surroundings and the guys who created the club. Tiny budget but BIG hearts.