"My poiint was a simple one -- I'm sorry you could not grasp it. "
This is not arrogant? Matt, I disagree with you that it necessary to have played golf in NJ for 30 years, seen the courses you have and viewed them from whatever knowledge base or perspective you consider yourself endowed with. A fellow from California can come in, play Hidden Creek several times in different conditions and make his own mind up about how the architect used the ground available and the added architecture to make a determination. You remind us constantly about your experience in NJ when that context doesn't really matter. Are you saying that I cannot analyze a golf course in NJ as well as I can in PA (whatever level that might be)? That would be a ridiculous notion if it is.
I don't know anybody that is comparing Hidden Creek to Merion or Pine Valley. Why look at these extremes? Hidden Creek is an excellent golf course, and I welcome the opportunity to get to know it better over time. Like the folly of ratings, judging a course one or two times and making the general pronouncements such as Mike Malone made is probably premature. Who knows, he might feel the same way after playing it for the 20th time.
I'll tell you one thing, it is a very good course no matter what state you reside. I think for what the owner wanted and what the land provided it fulfilled, and probably exceeded, expectations. What more could you ask for?
Now, if you really want me to irk you, ask me which I'd rather play regularly, HC or your beloved Forsgate.