> Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group

San Mateo County Times Rant

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Great stuff, Gib.

BTW, in case anyone was wondering, the "Nathaniel" Gib keeps referring to is Nathaniel Crosby, former USAmateur champ.  Or at least I assume it is.   ;)

Must have been nice playing 18-hole matches... and here I thought I got out of a lot of school.  Dammit.

 ;D ;D

So anyway Gib, on to matters of hopefully greater depth, any take on my question way up before we started down memory lane?  Here it is:

Now Gib... you raise a very interesting question.  Do you really think golf could sink to such low participation levels that people so inclined to do so could eradicate it?  Man I don't see that.  But I guess it is be careful what one wishes for?  I sure do wish for less crowded courses....


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