If George Bahto can arrange it, I'd like to consider having a get together at The Knoll next spring.
Attendees would get the benefit of seeing some great holes, including:
# 1 A Valley Hole
# 2 A Double Plateau
# 3 A Redan
# 4 A Hogback
# 5 A psuedo Cape (road ?)
# 6 A short
# 7 A drive & Pitch
# 8 A bottle
# 9 A Plateau
# 10
# 11
# 12
# 13 A Biarritz
# 14 A Road ?
# 15
# 16
# 17 An Eden
# 18 A Knoll
That's an impressive array of Holes.
In addition some of Bank's other works in the area, immediate and intermediate are:
All within a mile or two of each other and about 30 minutes from The Knoll
Essex County, East & West
Rock Spring
Slightly further away,