Gents, after bering away a week playing real golf on the prairie and plains of our great land, enjoying unique and creative golf course architecture on two seriously significant courses, I come back to this purgative thread of emotionalism. Proclamations from a variety of perspectives, all of which hold some merrit in their varying points of view IMO, have been expressed about the worth and validity of diverse participants postings. Darn, I hate to be equivacal, but all I can determine from reading the points and counter points, challenges and accusations, answers and defenses, etc., is that we have some very smart people on this site, and they should all bask in the freedom to speak their minds, and protect that right and the place they have found to express themselves.
To be more blunt, they say it is an old Italian expression (although the Poles must have their corresponding maxim), "dont shit where you eat!" Non si fare cacca dove si mangia...
Lastly, it is a sad coincidence or bad karma or something that I find a situation where three people I have come to know and appreciate for their unique intelligence, through this site and it's predecessor, Golden, Geoff, and John have come to loggerheads and all three get frustrated and leave or threaten to do so.
John, as I think someone has said above in so many words, their is a thin line between provocative proclamations, court jestering, and devils advocate (call it what you will) and going too far. I have at times been exasperated by certain things you say and how you say them. Yet, I try to be patient and see if any good or iteresting thought springs forth from some of your original firebrand posts. Sometimes, I find you do have an obscure point, and it becomes a point of learning something new or thinking about something in a different way, and sometimes...well it is just another dead end.
Is it too naive to hope that you all three will reconsider, and take a little more care with the flame throwers, so that the real value of the site is not overshadowed? But, what would we have here without flirting with the line of barbs, witicism and critical satire once in a while? Just a stale old treatise on GCA. Hell, I could read Fred G. Hawtree if I wanted that!
If you respond to my thoughts and expect a reply, you'll have to wait... it is the first day of Men's club here on the frozen tundra!