If you come 'down under' to play, remember Dan Herrman's Doctor's advice -
wear a hat, and plenty of SPF-30. Remember the sun-screen lip-stick as well!
The UV index is about 1.5 times that found in the US and Europe. During summer, its often about 12 to 13 (I recall about 7 or 8 in Florida and the South of France in summer, and about 6 in the UK if the sun comes out
). That means skin damage in about 30 minutes in Australia. Especially between about 11.30am and 3.00pm. The loss of the Ozone layer at the South Pole does some wicked things
I wish I could find a good-lookin foreign legion hat, ie a baseball cap with a flap that also protects the ears and neck. Its a lot cooler on the back 9 when your body isn't resembling a boiled lobster. Plus a bit more protection out front than the 'bucket' hats.