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Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #50 on: April 13, 2005, 08:22:16 PM »

I hope it will not be considered too presumptuous to have blurted out the suggestion of Apache Stronghold for next year. It seems to qualify as an ideal destination because:


It was just a suggestion, not an edict. At least I am man enough to admit that I love Stevinson without feeling the necessity to dis' Rustic.

Have it wherever you choose, it is not for me to say. I am not lobbying.

There are plenty of remote places in SoCal - I could be talked into something as goofy fun as Barbara Worth CC in Holtville. . . . . . . We could peel off for an afternoon round at Del Rio in nearby Brawley.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2005, 08:23:10 PM by Gib Papazian »


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2005, 08:24:32 PM »
And while we are on the subject because I am in a pissy mood:


I also spend a goodly amount of time defending your ass. Quit being a f*cking twat.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2005, 08:24:55 PM by Gib Papazian »

Evan Fleisher

Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2005, 10:01:56 PM »
Thanks for all the updates - always knew Evan was something special. :)

Congrats Bill - couldn't happen to a nicer guy. And another person who can now rip Huck and Shivas for their lack thereof.


Thanks George!  But you can also add me to the list above...I'm 0-for-life in the hole-in-one department.

One day.........................
Born Rochester, MN. Grew up Miami, FL. Live Cleveland, OH. Handicap 13.2. Have 26 & 23 year old girls and wife of 29 years. I'm a Senior Supply Chain Business Analyst for Vitamix. Diehard walker, but tolerate cart riders! Love to travel, always have my sticks with me. Mollydooker for life!


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2005, 10:38:24 PM »
  You are the perfect guy to start off the discussion. As I told you there I am not trying to sell you on the course. There are perfectly reasonable reasons not to like things about Stevinson, so let us know what yours are. I happen to like Stevinson quite a bit, but I place Rustic above it, and Barona Creek above both. But were talking whiskers between the three.
"Perimeter-weighted fairways", The best euphemism for containment mounding I've ever heard.


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2005, 11:19:19 PM »
So far no one from Southern Cal has picked up the baton.  You fellars from the north are kind of pushy.

The key is to get more people involved and participating, it would be nice if we could get at least 50 players.  Package deals in Las Vegas or Arizona would be great but we have very few tree house members from those areas it doesn't help the participation rate.

I looked at the map and Oak Quarry is very close to the Ontario airport which would be at least one or maybe two good rounds.  I'm not sure how far Rustic would be but I assume at least 1 maybe 2 hours.  


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2005, 01:57:56 AM »

It was just a suggestion, not an edict. At least I am man enough to admit that I love Stevinson without feeling the necessity to dis' Rustic.

I don't get it Gib . . . . I enjoy Rustic therefore I must like Stevinson as well?   Is it unreasonable for me to praise one course and not the other?   Or perhaps I should just keep my mouth shut?

I am "man enough" to give my honest opinion about Stevinson Ranch, same as I do about Rustic.   Are you "man enough" to let me express my honest opinion without summarily dismissing it based on your bizzare pro-Rustic equals anti-Stevinson logic?  Apparently not.  


As for the future location of the King's Putter, I doubt I will be running the show again but I do hope we can keep it in California.  I too agree that the focus should be more on experiencing innovative and thought provoking design.   The rest will follow.  The Billy Bells idea is terrific, but we'd have to consider whether there is enough left to make it worthwhile.  Also, we'd better hurry otherwise John "Bell Butcher" Harbottle III might get to them first.  Whoops, must me my bias acting up again.  
« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 01:59:42 AM by DMoriarty »


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2005, 09:41:00 AM »
Ed G:  hey, that was a team win.  I might have hit a few more good shots than you did, but given our handicaps I am supposed to do that.  But thanks for the thoughts in any case - this was as well as I have played in a good long time and it was fun to see.

Re Stevinson, I do like the course a lot, but that has to be a surprise to no one.  It is rather severe, and I sure could live without some of the floating grass traps like short right of the green on #5... but what the heck, all in all there is a lot of fun to be had there.  Catch it in the summer with the tall grass cut back and it must be really fun.

Re next year's location, just keep in mind a few things:

a) Joel - this event has never been that big and 50 people is a LOT to expect.  That might be able to be achieved if we put it in a central location and sold the hell out of it, but I don't see that as the purpose of TKP.  This is a small fun event centered around CA; there are plenty of other events that get set up in other places and draw more people (like the VERY fun Dixie Cup).  We don't need to change this from what it is, I think..... And as a matter of fact, I rather enjoyed having it be a bit smaller this year - 20 people.  That way all matches matter, no one gets lost in the crowd, etc.  But perhaps that is just me.  Remember too the more people we have, the tougher it makes it to do 36 holes in a day with consecutive tee-times.

b) It is SoCal's turn to host.  But as we saw this year, the event doesn't happen unless some INDIVIDUAL picks up the ball and does the legwork.  I'm not at all trying to toot my own horn, but this one damn near did fall through the cracks... so what I am saying is someone just does have to do this, or the thing won't happen.  David M. did it once already, so in fairness it ought not to have to be him... but who then is gonna step up?

c) Re exact venues, just do remember we're talking a pretty large group no matter how we do it.  It's tough for me to believe that's gonna work well at the normal SoCal public courses like Brookside (home of the 7 hour round).  While I am all for a tour de Billy Bell, well... logistics have to be kept in mind.  We want to play 36 holes on a Saturday and have early tee-times on a Sunday.... hopefully be able to play at least somewhat fast... To me this tends to work only at remote locations.

d) So to that end, if it is gonna be in SoCal proper, I like the suggestion of courses out Ontario way... I am also all for doing this at courses with innovative, thought-provoking design, and there are plenty out that way that are worthwhile.  It is remote so crowds shouldn't be as much of an issue, and we can likely work stay and play packages.  Those who want to add on other golf to the trip can go to Palm Desert, or back into LA for the private clubs there and/or Rustic, without too much driving - equate it to what occurred at Stevinson (which I have zero problem with, btw - who cares if people play more golf in the days before or after this event - that's always been expected as I see it).

BTW, I stand ready to help with the logistics and/or handle the whole thing again if no one from SoCal steps up.  Venue would remain southern, I'd just handle the legwork.  I do this kind of thing all the time for many different groups so it's really no big deal for me.  Just say the word.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 09:42:30 AM by Tom Huckaby »


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2005, 09:55:39 AM »
How about Palm Springs?  Anything there that might work?  Never been.


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2005, 10:06:12 AM »
Lou - there are plenty of worthwhile courses in Palm Desert, but they're not exactly cheap.  One could do it there in the hotter season and get good prices, but hot there means HOT HOT HOT.  I've done it, others here have, but man I'm not sure that's what we want for an event like this.

It's not a bad idea though... perhaps something for the SoCals to explore.


George Pazin

Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2005, 10:09:52 AM »
Rather than actually play, perhaps you could gather up a large contingent, rent a few dozers and properly restore Ojai or some other Thomas course. :)

Hope I can make it some year.
Big drivers and hot balls are the product of golf course design that rewards the hit one far then hit one high strategy.  Shinny showed everyone how to take care of this whole technology dilemma. - Pat Brockwell, 6/24/04


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #60 on: April 14, 2005, 10:18:55 AM »
Lou, PS is in full swing this time of year. And as such, the crowds and prices are excessive.

I'm saddened to read a few of the comments about not making the outing more regional, and not just in Ca.

Apache was a great idea. And the fact that Ron is leaving should not reflect poorly on the course or it's conditions. It's little shit like that, which keeps rumors(bold face lies) flying around.

« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 10:20:40 AM by Adam Clayman »


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #61 on: April 14, 2005, 10:30:25 AM »

"Ace" McBride

The hole made famous by Ace McBride- 205y into the wind

Paul Thomas, Ace, and Huckster paying homage

The same guys from their better side

The moment of truth- did we really see it go in?

Ace emerges victorious


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #62 on: April 14, 2005, 10:31:27 AM »

This is a regional event regardless of venue.  Heck, the majority of the participants are not Californians.

And Apache works for me as well.  

But one tradition that should continue is that we rotate hosting between SoCal and NorCal.  If one side wants to host at a venue outside of its geographical area, that would be fine... but the hosting responsibility remains.  And if they want to do it nearer to home, then that too remains their call.

There are plenty of other events that get organized here... we do not need to make TKP the be all and end all.  It's just one event that occurs, and it is what it is.

A separate Apache Stronghold outing could easily be planned... one just has to take the ball and run.



Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #63 on: April 14, 2005, 10:34:10 AM »
Lou  - LOVE the Ace pics!  Man that is a handsome group... but I see you left out the one with yourself in it... come on, don't be bashful.   ;)

One and all, take note of the overhead view.  That is one damn hard golf hole and we were playing into at least a two-club wind.  The pin was front middle... maybe it was a little to the left... Bill's only shot was the one he played - the prettiest little cut, hip up the left, bouncing on that fairway part, cutting and breaking into the hole.  I'm not kidding it was the most perfect golf shot I have ever seen.



Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #64 on: April 14, 2005, 10:41:30 AM »

I too liked the idea of Apache Stronghold, even if the fairways aren't very good.  Give me a great design, good green complexes, flat tees, and some decently maintained hazards, and I can "tolerate" the otherwise shabby conditions.

As to the regional vs. CA thing, the spirit of the Putter is not captured in a locale, but travels along with the participants.  Not being a Californian, though wishing that I was, my attitude about this is probably self-serving.  And since I have little say in the matter, I'll just wait until the site and dates are selected and then try to fit it in my schedule.  


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #65 on: April 14, 2005, 10:46:18 AM »
Hmmmm... one just has to remember that the entire King's Putter idea was created as Naccarato (South) v. King (North).  Moving too much from that, well... I guess just call me a tradition-monger.

Of course, as I say, this does not have to determine the VENUE.  If it helps some people to make it, well then let's be helpful.  But heck, it's not like Phoenix is any easier or tougher to get to than LA.... and we surely havn't exhausted good SoCal venues, as David says...

Look at it this way:  I firmly believe we HAVE exhausted worthy NorCal venues in terms of not to awful to get to, cheap, fun, nearby lodging.  So whatever happens in 2006, look for 2007 to occur somewhere "regional."  That is if I have anything to do with it.  And it's hard to believe I won't.



Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #66 on: April 14, 2005, 10:51:17 AM »

I am not a good picture taker (I should have had everyone remove their hats), but am a much worse subject.  Adding my mug would only lower the group's average.

You are absolutely right.  The HIO was the best I've seen by far as well, and I've been fortunate to witness quite a few.  Ace is "THE MAN", and his shot certainly made an otherwise difficult round for me rather enjoyable as well as memorable.


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #67 on: April 14, 2005, 11:06:00 AM »

I will further what Huck said on attendance.  It is not Stevinson's location that really hinders a large number of people from coming.  We're fanatics, we'll drive hither and yon to play good golf with good company.  It's just difficult for most of us to attend all-weekend events like this....wife, kids, work, hallpasses, previous commitments, etc., are probably the biggest factors in all this.  Even Huck couldn't attend all the pre- and post- event rounds because of such.

The Dixie Cup II will be "in my back yard" (1.5 hours from home) this fall, and I'll have a very hard time getting the hallpass to attend much of it - it's bad timing for me.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2005, 11:06:16 AM by Scott_Burroughs »


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #68 on: April 14, 2005, 01:45:26 PM »
Ah sweet mystery of golf!

The hole in one was great, but followed one of my worst ever ball striking rounds!  And that's saying a lot.  By the time we got to #16, my match had been over for several holes, as I was defeated 8&7 by the sturdy Paul Thomas from Chicago.  Paul parred the first four holes while I was trying to get the kinks out of my back, and before I could get the number of the bus that rolled over me, Paul had knocked me out!   :(

But the ace redeemed the day.  I guess they usually do, but since it was my first in 50 years of golf, I wouldn't know!  ;)

Thanks to Huck for putting on a great show at Stevinson Ranch, and to all who attended.  Peter Pittock, those Oregon pinots are super, thanks!


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #69 on: April 14, 2005, 01:49:20 PM »
Bill:  you're welcome, most definitely.  But in the end, well... I was honored to be present for that shot!

Man that was exciting...

Jeff Goldman

Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #70 on: April 14, 2005, 01:59:15 PM »
I think Tommy has an aerial showing someone in a "ROW" tee shirt mowing the grass hollow on the right of 18 sunday around noon using a vehicle with a "New England Patriots" logo.

Grumbles aside greatly done Huck, great seeing everyone, more later and I hope to see you all in Chicago.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2005, 12:35:36 AM by Jeff Goldman »
That was one hellacious beaver.

Evan Fleisher

Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #71 on: April 14, 2005, 02:41:52 PM »
I think Tommy has an aerial showing someone in a “ROW� tee shirt mowing the grass hollow on the right of 18 sunday around noon using a vehicle with a New England Patriots� logo.

Grumbles aside greatly done Huck, great seeing everyone, more later and I hope to see you all in Chicago.

I hope it had a Miami Dolphins logo...I can't stand the Patriots!!!  8)
Born Rochester, MN. Grew up Miami, FL. Live Cleveland, OH. Handicap 13.2. Have 26 & 23 year old girls and wife of 29 years. I'm a Senior Supply Chain Business Analyst for Vitamix. Diehard walker, but tolerate cart riders! Love to travel, always have my sticks with me. Mollydooker for life!


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #72 on: April 14, 2005, 08:13:32 PM »

I will further what Huck said on attendance.  It is not Stevinson's location that really hinders a large number of people from coming.  We're fanatics, we'll drive hither and yon to play good golf with good company.  It's just difficult for most of us to attend all-weekend events like this....wife, kids, work, hallpasses, previous commitments, etc., are probably the biggest factors in all this.  Even Huck couldn't attend all the pre- and post- event rounds because of such.

The Dixie Cup II will be "in my back yard" (1.5 hours from home) this fall, and I'll have a very hard time getting the hallpass to attend much of it - it's bad timing for me.

You are preaching to the choir, I have 2 young kids, a wife that has to know where I am every second, a house under construction, a shit job etc. etc and I had to beg to play for 1 day.  Everyday is bad timing for me.  

My suggestion is by a major airport in a major city allowing everyone easy access and hopefully major attendence.  I'm intrigued by Oak Quarry in Southern Cal which is why I suggested it.  As for a good second course , I have no idea.  

Where the hell is Tommy?


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #73 on: April 14, 2005, 08:21:19 PM »

The Emperor and I have a 7:57 tee time tomorrow at Rec Park so I will implore him to chime in.  There's lots of other golf near Oak Quarry, the problem for me is that all of those courses (except for Goose Creek in Riverside, which isn't strong enough architecturally for such an event, IMO) require carts at all time-that would be enough for me to pass on KP V.


Re:The Putter stays!!!!
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2005, 08:28:34 PM »
Why not Rancho Santa Fe...My Confirmation sponser is a member and I'm sure he would love to help out a small cadre of my closest friends..
