Apparently they give their Canadian affiliate a lot of weight. But does anyone from Canada really think that National G & CC [or St. George's or Hamilton] are really better than Kingston Heath, Royal St. George's, or Casa de Campo? Sorry, not me.
At least I got more courses in this list than in the U.S. list!
What did Canada ever do to you?

I'm going to have to rethink my fond feelings for Pacific Dunes. I, for one, am pleased to see some Canadian courses get some recognition on at least one list. For six months a year I think our best are as good as any.
I see that your Formula thread hasn't reached any firm conclusions on how to equitably rate courses, so it'd be hard to say if the three Canadian courses you mention are "better" than the other three. I've played St George's and Teeth of the Dog and I'd say it's a toss up. But then, of the one's I've played, on the US List or the International List, I can see why every one of them is on the list. Ranking them numerically is a fool's game - although it makes for fun arguments.
It all reminds me of rating Ice Dancing competitions - you can have quasi measurable technical merits, and artistic merits, and multiple qualified judges, but in the end it is a judgement and always open to debate by those watching and judging on their own scales. Perhaps you could be the Russian judge (a Canadian joke

You're not irked here because your non-US courses are further down the list are you?