Actually one of three courses I ever got to name - the Quarry and another one called Wilderness.
When I designed a course for Lake Jackson, TX, it was in Wilderness Park. They had a contest for a name, with a bunch of terrible entries and after all that, I suggested the Wilderness would be the best and they all agreed. But, that project got sued by the Sierra Club (maybe in part because of the name) and when Fortune Bay came up, we were looking for a name. In the restroom, I noticed their slogan was "We put the wild in Wilderness" and told the Wilderness is a great name, and my course in Houston wasn't going to be using it.
Of course, two weeks later, the lawsuit settled in the city's favor and I opened two courses by the same name in one year.....
Really, the biggest problem with the name the Wilderness is that neither place came up with a logo, just the name printed on the golf shirts, although in TX they have a small oak leaf.
BTW, I have seen Moose, Deer, Bear, Fox, and a Timverwolf at the northern version, so the name isn't that far off.