Although it really is a waste of my time and energy to respond to these ridiculous posts or yours I'll do it anyway for the record.
First of all, Mark Studer is no longer intimately involved at Oakmont. You keep refering to the past which isn't germane to what will happen to Oakmont in the future."
Mark Studer is no longer the green chairman of Oakmont but how in the world someone like you could proclaim he doesn't intimately know and understand what's going on out there is frankly beyond me.
"You're also letting your personal relationships with good members and friends cloud your objectivity."
I'm doing nothing of the kind. The only reason you say that is to deflect the fact that I obviously know a lot more about what's going on out there than you do or can---and so you simply rely on this ridiculous "non-prejudiced" from 350 miles away logic of yours and a blurb from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
"I think talking to a variety of members in the know would be a desireable pursuit, but, you haven't done that yet, and until you do, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is the only source of information on what lies AHEAD for Oakmont."
Oh really, I haven't talked to a variety of members about what's gone on at Oakmont? How do you happen to know that? I know plenty of Oakmont members and some pretty significant ones and have for years and have talked to just about all of them about the project at Oakmont.
"That your so anxious to dismiss the article as worthless erodes your objectivity and your credibility."
I never said a thing about that blurb from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette being worthless---I only said if I was looking for some real details of what went on and goes on at Oakmont I'd look to and speak to people I know at Oakmont and not people at the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.