If you're trying to post a score, The Ranch is way harder than Wente, I think. At Wente, if you're smart and you play a couple of key shots well, you can keep it in play all day. At The Ranch, especially on the front nine, you're bound to lose a ball or two or seven somewhere along the way even if you're swinging at it pretty decently. Plus, by the time you get to the back nine at The Ranch, I think most people are worn out and have stopped trying to post a score. That makes it harder, I suppose.
Chris - stunning, yeah. But for a hiking trail or a golf course? And as far as the length, yeah, it's not long. If I keep the ball in play there, from the tips, I have wedges into 15 (!) of the 18 holes, and that's not even hitting driver all the way around. But the hard part is getting it into play so I'm not hitting those wedges from grass as high as my knee.