Matt: You do a pretty good job of ignoring what I'm saying and running with your take on my comments. Unfortunately the two aren't the same.
Do you really expect to post this patronizing crap and not receive a response in kind? You sound like you are the only person to have ever read Doak's Confidential Guide. Just because you agree with it, doesn't mean Mr. Doak is correct. He clearly says that FLA golf is "anathema to my own tastes." And Doak admits, like many others, he only had a "cursory look around" Bay Hill.
Yeah, Bay Hill isn't Seminole. I've played both and can atest to that. But no one here is saying that.
Let's start here:
1) Where did I say BH was some, to use your quote, "rolling land wonder." Did I say that? No. But as has been pointed out by several here, and a point you continue to ignore because it doesn't support your thesis that FLA golf is all flat, BH does have elevation change. Probably 20 or 30 feet in places. I particularly like your comment, "You make it sound like Bay Hill was the equivalent of Jupiter Hills or Innisbrook." Where did I do that Matt?
2) I find your comment that "the greens are next to impossible to hold" laughable. That just isn't the case. Maybe for tour pros -- but that seems to help the course. For the regular everyday player, the greens are not impossible to hold. They have contour and are interesting. Is that a bad thing Matt? Maybe, given your keen insight on the subject, you could tell us how you would have improved on Wilson/Seay's work on the greens.
3) Is the course among the "architecturally significant" in the U.S.? The answer is no. I don't think anyone in this series of posts has suggested that. You're the only one to bring it up. I'm not sure it would be in my Top 100 in the U.S. But does that make it a bad course? Not by a longshot. And I think the course is significant in that it demonstrates a certain style that was in vogue in the 1960s. Right now, that style doesn't have a lot of fans. But that could change, as fashion always does. Did Wilson get everything he could out of the property? I think so. The routing is walkable and pretty strong.
4) Thanks ever so much for taking my comments about Carnoustie and the like out of context. What I said was that several great courses have average or occasionally even weak golf holes. That doesn't keep them from being significant courses. As for the "passable" holes, I've pointed a couple of key ones out in my posts. If you weren't too busy formulating another note blasting FLA golf, then you might have noticed it. For the record, I think #1, #9, and #10 are just holes that get you back to the interesting ones. I'm not a huge fan of a couple of others -- but I think there are exceptional holes there. I'll hold #2, #11, and #17 and #18 up as strong, but fair holes. And if you can hit the ball high enough, you can hold #17. #16 has drama, which makes it fun, and an interesting green as well.
Is Bay Hill great? NO. I've said it a few times. But I hate being misquoted and taken out of context. We both work in the media, and see this done all the time. I just am not fond of having it done to me, as you did with my "mundane" comment. The Bill Clinton remark was just kind of silly. Did you not expect that I might respond?
Matt, Florida golf is not all terrific. I don't think anyone is saying that. But you seem obsessed with this issue, and I can't quite understand why anyone would waste so much time on it.