Thanks so much for the kind words. I am but a lover of the great golf courses just like the rest of you. Thankfully, I live so close to Bandon that it is feasible to get there fairly frequently. It's only about four hours from Portland.
The series of pictures above were taken with two cameras, one a Canon and the other a Sony. Lighting plays a big factor in getting good ones, and I certainly did not post everything I have because many of them did not come out as well. I might stick them up anyways, however.
Anyone can take good images now days with about a $400 digital camera. Set the resolution high, shrink them down for quality. Take a couple shots because sometimes one or two does not come out so hot.
When we first ventured out the fog was quite thick, I was thankful it cleared up so I could get some decent shots.
I wish I could get paid to travel around the world taking pictures. That would be swell indeed. Y'all feel free to download and what not. I have bigger versions in case some of you (N. Regan comes to mind) want larger ones. I think I have 'em at 2592 x 1728, although the ones poster here are 1000 x 750. (For the benefit of dial uppers)
Hey, maybe Doak wants some for his book!!! If it ever gets finished!!