Not that I get a lot of time for quite contemplation of a golf course when Armenian is in tow . . .
But no one else I've been to a course with is nearly as interested in bunker design or fairway contours, so it's a trade off I've been happy to make. It's not complete puke . . .
Actually, the course that came most to mind when I made the discovery that the best routings are those that go unnoticed was Cascata. I found the back and forth, mountain view, valley view, mountain view, valley view, to be too much, even while enjoying those views. So that when I got to an intimate hole without those views, it was a refreshing change.
Just the sort of thing I'd rather not notice.
Not that I'm really complaining or saying I have a better idea. How on earth one routes a course on top of a mountain at all is beyond my ken. I would probably be better off keeping those musings to myself.
Of course I rarely choose the route which would be in my best interest . . .