Up until about 2 weeks ago I had no idea of the magnitude of this issue, or its impact on american children. Odd as it sounds, I learned about it through listening to Imus in the Morning, which I do on the way to work, or traveling through the City, and he ahs really been on a daily crusade to get the word out. Even today he has someone on that has written a book about the CDC and how they have probably started the biggest medical disastor in human history. I am sure you know much more but what I gather is that childhood vaccines have been laced with a mercury based perservative, in some cases vaccines have 80 times higher the amount of mercury that is considered safe for an adult to ingest, and these vaccines have been given to infants. It is still in the flu vaccines, and some claim no longer in child vaccines but Imus said that is not true. Apparently this mercury poisoning of children may be the chief source of this Autism outbreak. He recently had Bob and Suzanne Wright on the show talking about an organization they have started called Autism Speaks, he is the CEO of NBC/Universal, and he has had Rick Santorum on, the junior Senator from Pennsylvania, who apparently is getting onto this issue in an active way. One guest pointed out that the political clout of the AIDS movement has sapped funding for research into other medical issues like Autism which is unfortunate since AIDS can be prevented by the actions of the individuals, but Autism which we do not know near enough about is not a result of any behavior by children. In any event I hope that through Imus's exposure to the TV and radio media things will really get rolling on this issue, and for those of you that have infants and children you really need to do some research and asked some hard questions regarding all the vaccines we are now required to get our children.
I am not affected by this other than through friends, so my attitudes probably don't mean much and are not helpful to those of you who deal with this in your children, but the more I think about what has happened, potentially, with the mercury in the vaccines, which apparently is early 20th century technology, the more I get mad about it. getting mad does not help, but really in this country, to let this happen, if it is true, is very discouraging, and I hope enough level headed people, unlike me, get involved and fight through the bureaucacy n the governemnt and do something about the potential that we have poisoned our children unknowingly. this probably does not help you Gib, my anger, but hopefully this leads you onto other sources that might help. But agian, for those of you with children or about to have chldren and must conform with the vaccines requirements you better get onto this issue fast and put pressure on people for answers.