I like cats that live in barns, birds that live in trees (but not the one that keeps messing on my car), and dogs on television. Animals are great, as long as I don't have to feed, pet, or train them.
I like trees in parks and in my yard. I like trees on the fringes. I like fairways surrounded by trees. I almost always hate trees in the middle of fairways, except when they make me stare or laugh.
I like every kind of grass, of every hue, as long as I don't have to mow it.
I like to land in bunkers. It is a huge feeling of relief . . . then I can quit worrying about landing in a bunker. I like it when the pros on TV end up in the bunker. Especially when they can't get out. Gives me a sense of superiority, since getting out of bunkers is what I seem to do best.

It makes me crabby to miss out on seeing a course I know I would've enjoyed. Especially when I'm then relegated to listening to minutia regarding it's fine points extolled for hours over years. I'd rather see it than imagine it.
I don't know if I like Christy Canyon, having never met her. I don't like to decide whether or not I "like" someone based upon how they look. I do, however, like cart girls who have hornitos. That is my only requirement for liking them, so go figure.
I like golf carts in the desert. I don't like to walk when I'm hot. I like to swim when I'm hot.
I like golf carts when it's cold and raining. I don't like to walk when I'm wet. I like to swim when I'm wet.
I don't like golf carts when the day is glorious and the terrain is manageable.
I like caddies, as long as they are jr. and sr. high school golfers, trying to make a buck.
I like my beer mixed half and half with Seven Up. Hot chocolate to coffee. Sharp to dull. Red to white. Long to short. Open to closed. Fast to slow when it comes to wit and fairways. Slow to fast when it comes to other things. Read it as you may.
I like to play golf barefoot. I like the feeling of short grass under my toes.
If the water's not too deep, I like to wade in after balls (which is a good thing, because, as a mermaid in a former life, I usually manage to hit every water feature on a course, whether it's in play or not). I like to wade to the point where my partners sometimes think I'm putting my ball in the water on purpose. I like to foster that belief, though it isn't true.

I don't like blind shots. Not even when someone else is making them.
My favorite holes are ALWAYS over a Scary Place where no ball should ever go. I like to tee it up on the other side.

I would almost always rather play than watch. Except when I'd rather watch than play.
I like clever repartee, especially when I can see those tongues in those cheeks. I like intelligent discussion on most subjects. I hate discussing politics. I believe any person who would WANT to be president, should not be. And that includes Gib.

I KNOW Michael Jackson is innocent. At least until he is proven otherwise. That's one of the beauties of America.