John Krystynak,
The mistake that you and many others make is that courses, for the vast majority of golfers, haven't gotten longer.
They've only gotten longer for that segment of the golfing world that plays from the back tees.
Most courses are unchanged from the "members" tees and the Ladies tees.
I agree, the need for instant gratification is an integral part of the perfect storm.
As to mundane, Tom Huckaby understands the defiinition,
and he understands it in the context of the thread.
He's just playing dumb, something he's become adept at
With my reference to the flattened of putting surfaces it doesn't take a rocket scientist to equate the term mundane to ordinary, or less intersting, and if one adheres to Donald Ross's view of putting surfaces, the faces in a portrait and character, it's easy to see that the unique distinctive life is being squeezed out of putting surfaces in the name of speed.
And, once the green is softened, the contours and the slopes muted, their character is lost for every golfer, making them less interesting and reducing the challenge for approaches, recoveries and putting.
Add to that the softening of bunkers, despite the advent of specialty clubs including Lob-wedges, and you have the covergence of the perfect storm.