I'm not sure whether you guys are fooling yourselves or patting yourselves on the back. Of course architecture matters today. If it didn't. why is there so much work for Dye, Doak, Crenshaw, etc.? And why have so many great courses been built in the last 30 years (as opposed to the prior 30 years)? And why does every new developer market his project by bragging about the architect (as opposed to the pro, the chef, the clubhouse architect, etc.)? And why are course rankings so fascinating to everyone that they sell magazines? The "geeks" on this cite aren't the only ones who "get it," although they may be the only ones who think they're the only ones who get it. (I'm pretty sure that if you diagram the last sentence it passes muster.)
Like pretty much everything else in our economy, badly designed golf courses fail (see Inniscrone in Pa.), while well designed courses succeed (see Bandon/Pacific, Sand Hills, Whistling Straights, etc. - which have thrived economically and historically in way out of the way places).
Yes, most people do appreciate good archtecture. They're just not so self rightious as to believe no one else does.