Mr Mucci said! .............. (George)
"What can you tell us about the 13th, 14th and 15th holes at Westhampton ?
Westhampton is one of the most underrated golf courses in the country."
I agree, this is a very underrated golf course - espicially as first designed.
13 - originally 325 yards: a Leven hole (version of 17th NGLA)
14 - originally 439 yards, a par 5 then: Dog leg left to a mild (now) double plateau green - actually has 3 plateaux; the green is pear-shaped with the "fat" side at the front, about a 1' plateau in the right front corner, about a 2' plateau in the left front corner, and about a 2' foot plateau, the whole rear section. The front right corner before the green was once marsh but is now part of a pond.
15 originally 403 yards: a really nice Punchbowl green with a deception feature 50 or so yards short of the green - a set of 5 bunkers were put in later but originally it was just a rise (remember where you are; this is flat land not much above the water table)
other great holes:
* a sunken Eden hole (#3) where you can only see the top of the flag from the teebox - very different ...... see, where is "template" for this one-of-a kind?

* a magnificent short hole facing the water - huge green, twice as wide as it is long with all sorts of features ..... if I remember correctly, that green is about 225 ft side to side. There are a couple building there now but when built, it would have looked as if you would go into the ocean if you went over the green!!
* 17 a one of a kind Biarritz with a horseshoe green, the round part of the shoe faces the tee and the two wings face the green. I haven't seen it since Mike/Gil/whoever reworked the hole
great green on the 1s hole
a really good Redan
* hole 8 as originally designed was a Bottle hole with an array of bunkers over the first 250 yards - like, 12 of them, with three (more or less) down the centerline of the fairway that segmented the landing area. Two more bunkers short of the green and one beyond. I have to check, but I'm not sure all of it hit the ground.
* my favorite, the (originally) 457-yard, par5 - 9th .... I think it is a par-4 now!!
"wadda" green! and it is was originally tuck in very close to the puchbowl green coming from the opposite direction. This hole was taken from an original hole at Lido ("Strategy" - one of the "other" contest winning design) (This was the first (completed) Raynor solo design and he was hyped, it appeared).
This fairway looked about 80 yards wide and offered two lines of play - taking the short line to the green had you coming in to a green that was coked the wrong way. The long approach to the right had the opening of the green towards "your" landing area.
I'll post a few of my hole drawings for this course over the next days.
Westhampton (CC of Westhampton Beach originally) is to be in the "infamous" next book of mine.
Too bad Mike R doesn't post anymore. They have the original plans and better, thru some (not-to-be named-source), I acquired copies of Banks green blueprints of for the "Oneck" course - fully detailed. I have never seen any others before or since.