First, you have to understand the remark, which you don't.
Second, it helps if you understand the remark in the context of predicting maintainance costs on features scheduled to be altered.
Third, where I was tangentially involved, I did not interface with the membership.
Fourth, where I was directly involved, but not in charge, decisions were made that I disagreed with.
Fifth, where I was directly involved, and in charge, I was quite pleased with the results, as were the membership and others, although there are a few things that I would do differently.
The long winter season, the snow, ice and cold are conspiring to clould your memory.
Don't you recall our conversation a few years ago as we reviewed all of the bunkers at Merion, shortly after their completion ?
We discussed how difficult and costly it would be to maintain those wrap around, upholstered style bunker tops and surrounds. How the bunker wol, which was coming to the surface would have to be continually repaired, if not discarded and done all over.
I doubt that ANYONE envisioned those problems prior to the building of those bunkers.
That's what I was referencing.
NOW, do you recall our conversation ?