Whatever, my friend. Would you have preferred snotty comments about how the process works, or how the rankings came out? Full on battles as have occurred in the past about which rankings are the best or worst? Knock-down drag outs about how some course got screwed and why, as has also occurred in the past?
Jeez, I'd have to guess JC and Brad are happy they got off so criticism-free. The only negative thought in there was me giving good-natured crap to my GW rater friends. And god forbid we have a little fun in here, as that thread has turned to.
As for comps, that's your fight, my friend. Go for it. Sure, if it were all abolished and the money devoted to some better cause, the golf world would certainly be better for it. But you know that has as much chance of happening as me breaking 60 at SFGC tomorrow (and btw, I will be comped, but I'm going as a guest of a vendor, not as a rater). So continue to tilt at this windmill, Mr. Quixote. Heck I'm rooting for you.
Oh well. I continue to find no mockery of the rating process, nor of GW's ratings, not at all. If anything there was a lot of praise in that thread... even by me...