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Michael J. Moss

We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« on: February 28, 2005, 03:48:02 PM »
This July, my wife and I are headed back. Needless to say, we're very excited.

Two summers ago we drove south to Bandon starting our journey in Vancouver. Our first experience in the Pacific Northwest was truly memorable, and the GCA community was very helpful in providing routes, hotels etc.

We're arriving in San Francisco, Saturday evening July 2. Our first round is Wednesday at 4:00, plenty of time to take in some of the sights. We've been to SF before, but have never been north of Napa. The one "must see" on our list is the Redwood Forest.

I would greatly appreciate any hotels, restaurants and anything else one might regard as “shouldn't miss."

Thanks in advance. Now get to work!  >:(


Re:We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2005, 04:17:09 PM »

I have just done that exact drive last Friday.  It is +/- 470 miles, depending on how you parcel it up...  However, the pace on that road, the generally uphill trend, the curves, the traffic, etc mean that expected driving times can't simply be calculated at 55-65 mph.  It took us about 9 hours of just driving, with some stops scattered in...

A couple of thoughts:

1)  Consider minimizing the amount you will be driving on Monday, July 4th, particularly that afternoon.  I wonder if that, being the last day of the holiday weekend, will be a complicated day to be driving around...

2)  Definitely take the spur off 101 that is called "The Avenue of the Giants".  It is about 40 miles, and roughly parallels 101, and has waysides, hiking trails, a visitors' center, etc., dotted along it...  One can get a pretty good dose of the "redwood" experience in a single afternoon, unless you want to hike/camp, etc.

3)  Ferndale is a pretty nice "Victorian" type northern California town to stop and look around, antique stores, etc....

4)  Years ago, we stayed at the Benbow Inn, just off 101, and at that time it was highly thought of, with an excellent restaurant.  I suspect that time may have taken a bit of a toll, but perhaps someone else here may confirm or deny...

5)  Unless you are really averse to the whole wine-making scene, certainly consider at least some time in Sonoma, Healdsburg, Russian River area, so that you stay (more or less) on the 101 corridor.  I very much like the Sonoma, Glen Ellen, Kenwood corridor as well as the wineries off River Rd. etc, near Santa Rosa.  If you stay at the Sonoma Mission Inn, I think you can play the Sonoma Golf club, which was one of my favorites when I lived in the area.

6)  There are a vast array of different lodging/restaurant options, but many of these are trendy and can come and go quickly, so local residents may be of more help, or AAA, etc.

7) The rocky profile of the northern Mendocino and up coastline of California/Oregon is truly spectacular, and I wouldn't pass up the time to walk along those beaches, if the weather is appropriate...

Good luck!
« Last Edit: February 28, 2005, 04:19:52 PM by Peter_Herreid »


Re:We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2005, 04:25:55 PM »
I have done that drive twice now and love it. I add nothing to the last post other than no rush and enjoy the moments when the weather is good, ie no fog in July. I do not remember memorable hotels north of the Russian River but just looked for brand new clean places. That is the route of choice for me to go to Bandon. I would rather see that land than fly over it. I agree on the holiday weekend traffic part. You have plenty of time to get there, just enjoy the bay area and wine country for a few days then book north.


Re:We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2005, 04:39:28 PM »
I grew up in No Cal and definitely agree with the above thought about staying overnight at the Sonoma Mission Inn and playing Sonoma GC.  It is a wonderful course and very female friendly layout.  My wife loves it.  

If you spent two nights, that would leave a good bit of time for wine tasting and dinners out in Sonoma, which is a beautiful little town much less tourist afflicted than Napa.  

You could then drive over to 101 via Santa Rosa, beautiful drive, and go north until you get to the east west road that comes out very near to Mendicino on Highway 1.  The road to the coast goes through the town of Boonville which is unique in that it was isolated for many years and the locals there spoke, maybe some elders still speak, a local language they called "Boonling" (Boonville lingo).  This drive is through a great redwood forest and well worth the trip.

There are a bunch of excelllent restaurants and B&B's in Mendecino, worth an overnight stay.  

Then up the coast through Eureka and Crescent City and into southern Oregon.  Not much golf until you get to Bandon but a wild, beautiful drive.


Re:We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2005, 04:56:08 PM »
I would certainly make it a point to stop and spend a night in Mendocino. The Stanford Inn is a lovely spot, but can be a bit pricey. There are certainly plenty of other more affordable options dotting the coast.

If I could recommend one place, though, it would be the Tu Tu Tun Lodge on the banks of the Rogue River, outside Gold Beach. You could do it the day/night before Bandon. If you fish, the Summer Steelhead run begins in earnest in July, and is a terrific non-golf option. (Please, though, only take them on a fly).

Tu Tu Tun is a sublime spot, and the arts and crafts style accomodations and food are nonpareil in that part of the world. Surprisingly, it is not off the charts expensive.

You can beat a pretty swift path through northern california, which, although possessed of lovely scenery, can get a bit gritty, particularly as you get close to Eureka. Avoid Arcata, which bears a striking resemblance to the parking lot before a Dead show.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2005, 04:59:13 PM by SPDB »


Re:We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2005, 05:52:08 PM »

Take in Bodega Harbor.

The golf course is on bluffs overlooking the Pacific, then goes down to beach level for the last few holes.

You can rent a nice home with magnificent views for a day or two.

Despite what some may claim about the golf course, you'll enjoy it, it's unique.


Re:We're off on the Road to Bandon - Driving north from San Fran
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2005, 07:53:20 PM »
    While in Bodega, remember it as the backdrop for Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds.  While on the movie theme, Seabiscuit's Ridgewood Ranch is open to visitors near Willits.
    Salmon Run golf course is at Brookings. It has a good appetite for golf ball with a creek running the length of the course and in play most holes.
