I sort of did that in the early 90's when I graduated. I had a job lined up, but it didn't start for a month and a half, so I went on a 30 day trip all around the country to play a list of courses I wanted to see.
I started from San Diego and started at Troon North (Monument), went to Sedona and played a round there (in wind so strong that water was blown UP the waterfall), Cochiti Lake in NM, over to Tulsa area to play Page Belcher courses and one other, then on to Indiana and Otter Creek, and Plymouth CC. Then up to Michigan to see the Donald Ross Memorial course at Boyne resort, High Pointe, The Bear at Grand Traverse, Treetops, and a couple of others. And on and on.
I was glad some of the courses were cart only by the end of that trip. Between the driving and the golf I was pushing it by the end of the trip. I drove through the night to go from OK to IN, and then went right to the course and played 45 holes, among other outrageous feats of stupidity.
Had a blast though.