But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane,
In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
This was Robert Burns, writing to Angus "Mousie" MacNaughton, Chairman of the Greens Committee for Alloway GC (NLE), regarding changes made to their master plan.......
A golf club is organic, as is any organisation. It's part of the definition of being an "organisation."
Master Plans, Vision Statements, Grand Strategies, etc. become historical documents the moment they are put on paper. That subsequent actions or events or changes in ambition should lead to changes in how the plan is viewed and implemented, or even if it is still relevant at all, is a fact of life. Sometimes, this fact leads to "good" (from our selfish perspective), sometimes it leads to "evil." If we are all honest we can cite numerous examples of each scenario vis a vis GCA.
NO organisation is clever enough to anticipate what it should be doing more than a few weeks in advance. Circumstances change, and the concept of "should" changes, just as it did in "Mousie's" world.
And yet, yes, you can and should plan. And there are some simple dos and don'ts to be followed in that process. One of the most important of these rules is to remember that in the real world there are no rules, just actions and consequences, and developing capacities to adapt to changes in reality are more important than any document, date stamped, counter signed and enshrined in some individuals' perspective of history.
Life goes on, ob la di, ob la dah.......