Just a shot in the dark here, but wouldn't the ratings for a Woods-Nicklaus (or Woods-Mickelson) match at Merion be just as high, if not higher, than those hokey Battle at the Bridges snoozers?
Of course you can't expect Merion to underwrite a match like that, as a CCFAD would do eagerly, but the bottom line for TV is still ratings.
That's why Shell and ABC put Snead, Hogan, Sarazan, Nicklaus and Nelson on those great courses in the first place, because they knew golf fans would love to watch. Hell, I watched those matches when I was 12 years old.
Give the public the right players on the right course and the same thing would be true today. I'd bet Tiger vs. Phil at Merion, or Cypress, or Seminole, or NGLA, would blow the Battle at the Bridges out of the water, ratings-wise -- even if you had to tape-delay the thing for primetime (that's what they do for day two of the Skins, and they still get an audience after all these years.)