Oh geez, Shivas and Luigi, you guys and your "get government off our back" routine...

I too agree that government has a natural inclination to grow unless we the people apply checks and balances, from time to time, if they don't loose their power to vote and change their leaders to the mega corporate oligarchial forces that seem to buy and sell the legislators.
Taking education out of the public sector of various local and state governments. Are you both nuts? What would be left...company schools with philosophies to perpetuate an coroporate oligarchy; parochial theocracy oriented education; home schooled anti-social isolationists?
Your views of no government oversight or stewardship of public lands, recreational, conservational, reserve resources of water and flood control, etc. leaves the public in more peril, more turmoil, more seething discontent between the haves and have-nots than any imagined benefit of less taxation. (for those with anything earned in sweat shops to tax) Savings through less of your proclaimed mismanagement of tax and fee funds expended by these municipal, state, and federal agencies would be a pitance IMHO. It is up to the people to oversee the mismanagement part of the equation to throw the rascals out when it naturally goes overboard. That is why we have the elections; if we can keep them from being rigged!

A land where there are corporate campuses provided by corps., whose first obligaton is "profit" where recreation may be provided at the lowest cost factor to the corporation users, perhaps only for the enjoyment of the few remaining employees that still work here (rather than overseas in virtual hard labor camps of the ideal balance between supply and demand labor economics). You can bet there would be executive and laborer segregated fields of play too. This all paints a stark picture in deed for quality of life among the unwashed, unemployed, un-connected, unprivileged, un-indoctrinated by company school, un-christian educated, un-employed, un-acceptable to corporate ideals masses that would grow exponentially in your world of no government provision for the basic decencies of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Corporate, private beaches, ball parks, golf courses, swing sets, playing fields, dog runs, nature walks that's the ticket!

Any thing maintained to any acceptable and usable standard would be reserved for the elite, and the barren dirt tracks, dirtiest beaches, fields on the cap of corporately polluted fields would be left for those that have some ticket to play.
One other thing my friend Lou.

While I, also a father, can understand the pride you express in your son's hard working and industrious efforts, I'm afraid that I can't see the long term benefits of extolling the virtues of, or conditions you state your son works under. 90 hour weeks, seldom sees the light of day, is not in my opinion a source of pride or example of opportunity to participate in a great society. That leaves the poor fellow 10 hours a day to sleep, eat and do his bodily functions, and 1 hour more per day to "think" and just do for himself and family obligations. At such a rate, you sadly will probably outlive your son. This sort of work environment is not a marker for an improved condition of life in our society.

Dr. Daley's prescription: Tell your son to play one round of golf every week or two at a not too expensive, municipally operated, or private course, which ever he finds most enjoyable. He will live longer and be happier...