Thanks Mark for providing the wide window of options. I hope that convinces even more folks to consider the trip.
Here is the latest list update:
Here is the list coming in so far:
Jason Hines-in
Jeff Shelman-in
Tony Chapman-in with maybe a couple of buddies.
Paul Thomas-in
Don Dinkmeyer 99%
Doug Seibert 99%
definite maybes, update if you are going to upgrade your status to "in"
Pete Pittock up to 50% and rising You must have a better tax program than mine!
Mike Whitiker
Craig Edgmand
Jason Topp
Tyler Kearns 50/50
Evan Fleisher
Paul Hermsmeyer, "Super-Sage of Ainsworth" + a friend are trying to make it fit their schedules
Unfortunately John Foley informs me he has been tagged for an overseas work assignment, we hope he gets to see the project someday soon.
I'm going to mention this to a few more parties in the prairie golf biz and hope to get some insiders to attend...