Rich: Aha. And whew.
And of course I do believe all golf holes are great.
But I also believe some are greater than others.
#7 PB is a great golf hole - due to that view, and the holy ground on which it sits. I kinda feel sorry for those who look at it as just a wedge. How boring the game must be for you, and frustrating when you are off your form!
Man does not play golf simply with his clubs, but with his heart and soul.
Or at least this man does. I have to keep in mind that Cypress was a "ho-hum, shot a 76, what's the big deal, we should reverse the direction and then we'd have something" boring slog for a certain always-interesting expatriate I know and love.

Andy: I have a feeling you and I have similar definitions of greatness for a golf hole. And yes, 95% of the time, #7 PB is just a simple wedge in terms of execution. But it remains a great golf hole. Yep, it's the view. But it's also the history, the stories, the feeling one gets on the tee... the chance at glory... it is jumbled and chaotic and difficult to define but I bet you understand perfectly.