As much as I'd like to see a longstanding org like the USGA play a central and even guiding role in such an effort, I think it would be a flawed path for a "HSGCA" to be folded under their wings. If for no other reason than to keep focus on the objective sought, ultimately not putting it into "competition with other organizational priorities," or when the larger interest wanes from the smaller or doesn't meet some artificially imposed criteria of value..
I fully understand the value in creating "digital" information, I do it all the time, scanning documents, creating pdf, and tif files etc., before I put hard copies into my library. So since you bring it up, think about it,.. this effort IS in effect very similar to USGA's artifacts collection.. its creating "digital artifacts" from originals instead.
Do you know if one can see USGA's present artifacts collection in any meaningful way today other than by visiting Golf House? Where is even an index to stir interest in their current holdings? (I'd have to write to them and inquire to find out..)
The contributors I refer to are those with information. As information is still power in many, many circles, I don't see those with "access" really being so benevolent with their power and holdings/wealth.. unless they can truly gain by promoting the widespread access. Also, once in digital form, original artifacts may lose some of their value.. the digital artifact finds many new homes.. even on Tee shirts..
Which is all why I spend some regular time on gca.com mining data/info.. creating my own electronic files and print outs. Don't get me wrong , I like the overall idea of a HSGCA..
In the end one has to ask the question of what happens when the lights go out or the place burns down.. were there any backups? Keeping it web based is essential to its long term viability.. just who has a web presence today??