I realize you don't know anything about either. Would you mind if I offer my opinions if others mention it, though, or do you think you should control everything that's said by others on a thread you start? Perhaps you think you have some copyright or editorial control over what others say on your threads. It certainly seems that way with me as everything I say to you or about purists or whatever you criticize for some reason.
Give me a break Tom. First, you admonish me for bringing up this whole bunker issue, even though that is certainly not the case. Then you digress into another series personal attacks on TomM, occasionally throwing me in for good measure. Now, after I try once again to disengage, you attack me for trying to control the thread.
You are correct Tom. I have no editorial control over what you write or where you choose to write it. Instead of censorship this board usually relies on posters' manners and sense of decorum to control the content and direction of the posts. In my opinion your repeated conniption fits and attacks on Tom MacWood have put you well over the bounds of decorum and gentlemanly behavior.
No one asked you to hijack this thread. No one asked you to turn in into yet another forum to rail on Tom MacWood. I certainly didn't and previous to this one your posts address me. Your responses aren't responses to those who have mentioned Aronomink but rather vendettas against TomM.
If you have an issue with Tom MacWood, don't you think it is about time you take it off Ran's discussion board and quit ruining our conversations? This thread has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not Crump killed himself. In fact it is obvious that your involvement in all these "purist" threads is nothing more than your way of continuing to needle TomM.
If you want to sit at the big kids table, I'd strongly recommend that you quit acting like a spoiled little infant. Grow up.
Your recent behavior is an embarrassment to yourself and this website.
If you'd like to discuss this further, let's have the decency to do it off the public pages. You have my number, or you contact me through the messages function.