I enjoy strong opinions on all sorts of subjects, particularly when these are different than mine. But whether it is a guide book on golf or African safaris, I prefer that the opiner have a bit more experience on the subject than that gained by a quick pass through the property.
Tom can correct me if I am wrong, but I think that he writes about a number of courses that he has not played nor spent much time on the site. Perhaps too he devoted more time to courses he was predisposed to than those that didn't quickly command his eye (The Golf Club a 9, Scarlet a 5; Valley Club 7, Torrey Pines South a 3; please!).
In fairness to Tom, I don't think that the book was written for wide distribution. It was meant more for his inner circle, and I doubt that he intended it to be taken too seriously.
BTW, is there any doubt about his high regard for Pete Dye? I wonder if a Dye course could be in the mix some day at Bandon?