This is Whitinsville, in Whitinsville, MA, designed by Donald
Ross. Some have called Whitinsville one of the two best 9-
holers in the U.S. (Dunes was not one of them).
other clues include:
"name of the course does not imply segregationist
tendencies" = "Whitin"sville
"Mr. AOTD archie" = Ross
"Archie's 'appleseed' area" refers to where Ross 'spread his
seed', in New England, mostly in MA and RI.
"How do you know when a blonde has tried to delete
something on a computer?" There's "White"-Out on the screen.
Whitinsville is mentioned in the 9-Holer thread.
"Shares the state with the referenced school's town from
Monday's AOTD thread" = Cambridge, MA, home of Harvard
"To bleach or not to bleach" = To "whiten"
"UltraBrite toothpaste aims to" "whiten" your teeth.
someone please correct me if "Whitinsville" is pronounced
like "wit", not "white", as I presumed it was.