One of the more intriguing comments that I felt Tom D made in
The Confidential Guide... was in regards to Torrey Pines. He said something to the effect of "One thing you learn here is that when cliffs are too big, you can't get close to them," with the implication to me being that the "better" land is left unused and the courses seems almost bland by comparison. (Kudos to Rees for moving a few greens closer to the cliffs, btw.)
Yet Kauri Cliffs and Cape Kidnappers seem to be perched on cliffs that are much higher. (In fact, CK is the one Tom D course that I have zero desire to play, because I am relatively certain that my fear of height would preclude enjoying the golf. I literally had trouble swinging the club at Wolf Creek on some of those high perched tees - and for those of you who would say I
always have trouble swinging the club, well, you're right!
Why have KC and CK received praise while Torrey is generally not highly thought of by the cognescenti? Is the non-cliff land that much better? Could someone in fact build a superior course on TP's land, a real 8 or 9 type course?
Is TP underrated? KC & CK overrated?
Or are they just plain different?