Watching all these threads about tsumanis, flood, mudslides, coastal erosion and all the other spankings that Mother Nature chooses to give us, I'm wondering why more people aren't making an investment in their future ability to play links-like courses and joining these clubs in NE, CO, SD, etc.
Sure, I understand the argument about them being remote, distant, inaccessible, etc., But considering the riskiness of alternatives, I'm surprised some of them haven't tried to pull together a plan to find less than super-wealthy investors (ie. late-30 through early-50s golfers) that might want to be out there in the future. Sort of the CCFAD concept, but for a lifetime of one-week trips instead of risking the dollar value in the UK, or coastal erosion, etc..
I think there is a market concept being missed here...(although my concept might be completely the wrong one)