Driveways? Clubhouse?
Are these things REALLY necessary if you want to build a good course on the cheap (i.e., spend your money on what counts?) I've been to courses with a long gravel driveway in lieu of paving, and I can't see any need to spend more than $300k or so building a clubhouse and machine shed necessary for what really counts: place to pay, place to pee, place to grab a cold sandwich at the turn, place to keep the mowers dry. Heck, a trailer and a quonset hut would be fine by me, I come for the golf, not sitting in the clubhouse afterwards, but that may be a bit too minimalist!
If its remote, you don't run sewer and water lines, you get a septic tank and a well. For electricity if it is really remote, it might make sense to put solar panels on the roof (might need a propane generator if you want to charge up electric carts at night)
I'm kind of disappointed if it really would cost $3+ million to build a minimalist course. The sprinkler system I can understand, and I'm sure the greens cost a whole lot more to build than I could ever imagine. But beyond that? What if you are like my friend Harry, a multimillionaire developer who develops one big piece of land at a time, by himself. He'll go out there on his dozer and run around, rent heavier equipment where necessary, and only subcontracts when he's to the point of running utilities and paving the streets. He says, "why pay someone to do something I love to do for free?" I keep meaning to take him up on his offer and letting me drive around on his dozer sometime, always wanted to do that when I was a little kid in a sandbox