Clearly there must be some very long-term bottomline benefits in optimizing the turf quality.
Can these be quantified? and if so, perhaps then, these ideals would get published into a textbook?
Thanx for the review.
Craig, Here in the Land of Evaporativetransport, I believe I heard a New Mexico University turf guy report that 1 1/2 inches of irrigation is all that is needed for Blue Grass in this region. While you do get slightly more precip than we do, the climates sound very similar. I'm not a turf guy.
At Pg, the greens were cut every other day. This was one aspect that turned out to be very challenging. Since it was Poa annua, the speeds were dramatically different day in day out.
On the public courses I have frequented, fairway mowing only happened once a week. Usually on Mondays or Tuesdays, by the weekend, it was/is full shag, on blue fwys.
I figured it was done this way, so the weekend traffic didn't do as much damage, but I always wondered why they would give their biggest revenue generating customers the worse conditions, but people still come back.