To set the record straight, I think it's fair to say that I gave Ken the idea or inspiration for the use of 2 nautical signal flags on the flagsticks on the golf course. At the time of my inspiration, I wasn't thinking F & H, but rather B & C for Ben Crenshaw & Bill Coore!!
I can recall as if it was today Ken's response. "Ben and Bill would shoot me if I ever did something like that and we aren't going to be waving multiple color flags at Friar's Head like the United Nations." I sent him this internet program for nautical signal flags anyway and when he plugged in the F & H, up came 2 red and white flags and I think the idea immediately resonated! As it turns out, there are only 4 red and white colored nautical signal flags and F & H just happen to be 2 of them.
Talk about fate!
Also, I had originally thought of a Black & White flag stick, and Ken liked Red & White. Now, I think the Red & White is a billions times better. Such is the taste of Ken Bakst!
As for the logo, it wasn't my suggestion to just use the flagstick alone, but I know Ken credits me for the inspiration. I didn't have much to do with the artwork which was done by Ken and Jim Kidd I believe. Here it is: