I think the financial crunch has led to a competition for members that's often more about window dressing than substance.
And, I'd agree that pleasing prospective members seems to be taking priority over satisfying existing members.
I do recall a great golf course that kept their fairway so wet we refered to it as a cemetery.
Beautiful to look at, but, you wouldn't want to play it.
Fortunately, that course transitioned toward playability. It took years, but, the results were dramatic.
Now, the course plays F&F and has a waiting list, while other area courses are desperate for members.
We've had a very wet spring, so most courses in the NE were very green, but, the membership gets it. Not eveyone, but those who are invested in and in charge of the golf course get it and so does a great percentage of the membership.
Distance seems to be THE critical factor. As Shivas says, "chicks dig the long ball" The appeal to F&F is longer drives.
As golfers age, they shorten up. Wet courses make them even shorter.
The USGA is appealing to golfers to play from forward tees.
Why not appeal to F&F conditions, allowing golfers to maintain their pride and get more distance.
NO ONE, repeat NO ONE wants to embrace the aging process.
We're all in denial in one form or another.
Playing from the tees we've been playing from for decades is a form of denial.
Make courses F&F and golfers can continue playing from their favorite tees, thumbing their nose at Father Time and pursuing par with a vengence.
End of rant.