Here are some suspects, a $400 Million endowment would seem to thro off enough cash to spruce up a 9-holer!:
Henry Ford II, Edsel Ford, and current Ford CEO Bill Ford all attended this school, which is located in a woodland setting with two lakes on the grounds. The school is rooted in classical education and offers more than 225 different classes in a 6-day school week. The endowment is among the richest in private schools: nearly $400 million. Time Magazine's Henry Luce also went here--on scholarship. Other notables include renaissance man Peter Matthiessen, Robert Bork, Forest Mars of M&Ms fame, Wlater Chrysler, Charles Edison (of NJ), and Ambassador Clark "Sandy" Randt. One Hotchkiss alum wrote to tell of other Hotchkiss notables: poet Archibald MacLeish, Justice Potter Stewart, businessman Arthur Kittredge Watson, actress Allison Janney, Paul Nitze, Henry Lewis Lapham II, John Henry Hammond, Jr., and baseball commissioner Francis Thomas Vincent. Others: CIA head Porter Goss, Herbert Dow, Gustav Fleischmann of yeast fame, David Gimbel, financier Franklin Gould, Thomas Remington, Charles Chubb, Paul Converse, George Mead of paper fame, and still others. Hotchkiss alumni are called "Kissies."