Yes, you are correct. We should definitely highlight the routings and the plans and simply look at each on its own merits. But I think we should do a bit more. Not only should there be a comparison of how each routing used the natural topography and an analysis of the differences in the context of each architect's design preferences. But this doesn't imply any bias. If you interpreted my statements above as indicating there is a mindset to bolster Flynn's reputation at the expense of Ross, you've been talking to Tom MacWood too much

I'm not implying that there are simplistic reasons why Ross was chosen over Flynn and that Flynn's work was not properly regarded. Not at all. It probably did come down to Ross's greater reputation and the taste of the powers that be at the club. Nothing wrong with that. They probably liked Ross's plan better.
Yet we should look for club minutes that might add to the body of knowledge and make factual statements and not try to glorify Flynn at Ross's expense. There is no reason nor merit to doing so.
I find it hard to believe that we shouldn't present other information. I'm not saying that the friendly rivalry between Lancaster and York is the reason Flynn wasn't chosen. I don't think I gave that impression--I certainly did not intend to. I only feel that it should be known. I find the historical coincidence between the clubs and the houses of Lancaster and York in England more interesting than the context of two country clubs and what this might have to do with why York may not have chosen Flynn. Why would I think Flynn would win every competition? It would be absurd.
As to cost, at some point it would have to be a consideration. For all I know, the Ross plan would've cost more. I haven't looked into this at all. Please don't think I have a preconceived notion or have made any logical errors (at least I don't think I have). In my opinion, it would be inexcusable if we did not at least look into such an issue. We should be careful to not make any judgements about any findings. I only point out that we would be remiss if we didn't take it into account.
What you seem to be saying is, if we were to find club records that said Flynn's proposal was too expensive, that is not something we should bring to people's attention. If we found out that Ross's plan was the more expensive to produce but they chose it anyway, that would be significant and we'd present it. This search will probably not come to anything significant, but it should be done.
I cannot figure out why you think we should not at least consider work schedules. It is simply factoring out variables in one's consideration of the facts. We're not looking for information to support any hypothesis especially one as ridiculous as the wrong guy got the job. Neither of us think that is true and we are careful to avoid any preconceived notions.
If we can look in depth into the process, we should. It is interesting in and of itself. But, as you said, the designs themselves are what we have and what is by far the most interesting. We will do an objective analysis. I wish more people would contribute areas to look for and tendecies to consider.
Can't you believe we just want to do the right thing and it doesn't entail pushing any agenda? Let's be open-minded and see what we can find. Now tell me what you think we should look for

By the way, Sean, I appreciate your constructive comments and don't think you are doing anything other than trying to keep us in line. Thanks and I appreciate your responses.
Jim Nagle,
Thanks very much for your comments about the course and how close it is to the original plans. Merry Christmas to you and yours.