Tom Huckaby, et. al.,
I had heard that you injured your arm during some self manipulation while away from home.

I played football, basketball and hockey every fall/winter, but would stop on March 1 of every year.
My thought process was: If I broke a bone as late as March 1st, and I broke many, I would be in a cast for 6 weeks, which took me to April 12th, and back to full golf mode by May 10th to May 24th.
I took up Karate to help me rehab.
Unfortunately, I broke every toe, a couple of times.
But, this prepared me for an event which occured years later, the night before I was to go to Scotland for 10 days of golf,
when I broke a toe on my right foot. It was duck soup.
Broken bones are child's play.
Six weeks is the blink of an eye.
Did you major in whining at SCU ?

Cary Lichtenstein,
I would be careful.
When people are recovering from surgery and staying home, idle time often leads to an introduction to the internet.
I would suggest that you delete or modify your last post, or else it might just be your last post.
Discretion is the better part of Valor.