I mean no disrespect to any of the parties, but I understand as well as anyone, that for golf course designer to keep the trade interesting they must continue to come up with new ideas. I also understand that Doak has actually studied and written about more golf courses than anyone on the planet, which gives him unbounded clout IMOH. And after reading that golf digest match play contest, I actually threw up in my own mouth when I realized the two parties, to remain anonymous, were as clueless about reality as they seemed to be in that article. I promise I don't know squat about golf course design when it comes to actually doing it, but I do know how to recognise something special, and I promise I would have gotten 9 out of 10 on that questionnaire. I guess I just assumed that the most powerful men in golf design would know those sorts of things. Just from that little excerpt I inadvertantly strenghened my already raging disdain for more of those types of golf courses. I will give the Faz credit for his ability to build visually stunning designs, sometimes they look like they will be good (I am certainly being a little harsh on the guys, I don't really dislike all of their golf courses), but 200 of them later, I just want some fun golf. Every single hole doesn't have to be cut out of its own line of forest, or have a forest built around every single hole. All par fours dont have to be between 360 and 480. I want to see some holes on the edge of par, for real. Options. Good ole visceral golf experience that values imagination, and rewards a daring and effective use of occasional heightened confidence. That is what fun in golf is all about. I just don't understand how so much good land could be so ill-utilized, for such a long period of time without anyone saying anything. Or is support for them just withering as a result of too many projects. i.e. Selling Out! So my question is, if Doak gets 200 courses in his portfolio in the next 30 years will he be held in the same regard as the contemporary dying giants. Please lord, let this not be the case. Please allow Doak and CandC to follow in the footsteps of their idols from the Golden Age.