Would playing Notre Dame only, give one a sense of C&C's work ? Yet, it represents about 10 % of their work.
I’m not crazy about ND, but based on ND, Sand Hills and Friars Head I hold C&C in high regard. We don’t live in a vacuum…if I had only played ND would my desire to play the world renown Sand Hills and Friars Head be dimished?
Would playing Crestmont only, give one a sense of Ross's work ?
If you were a numbskull and weren’t aware of the existence of Pinehurst #2, Seminole, Inverness, and Oakland Hills you might underestimate his talent.
Would playing North Jersey and White Beeches, only, give one a sense of Travis's work ? Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
Not much, seeing that both have been altered. I’m not sure there is anything of Travis left at White Beeches and Ken Dye has worked his magic at North Jersey.
Would playing Alpine, Shackamaxon, Forest Hills, Suburban and Brook Hollow, only, give one a sense of AWT's work ?
Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
If you were living under rock and not aware of Tilly’s resume of great designs and not aware of the changes to these courses you might be fooled.
Would playing Spring Lake, only, give one a sense of Thomas's work ? Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
You should put Spring Lake up with your Tilly list. Little Marion would be a better example for those who have never heard of Riviera, Bel-Air or LACC.
Would playing Kentucky Dam Village, Palmetto and Bayou de Siard, only, give one a sense of Perry Maxwell's work ?
Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
No, but maybe a sense of Press et al.
Would playing Everglades and Roselle, only, give one a sense of Raynor's work ?
Yet, it represents about 10 % of his work.
Before or after these courses were remodeled?
What about who is doing the heavy lifting? If the person seeing a high percentage is an inartistic dumb dumb who cares how many courses he sees? There are some evaluators I trust implicitly, others I take with a large grain of salt. Should we also consider those who play so many courses (and far too many mediocre courses) that their senses are dulled?