Sorry to dissapoint but yes to having layed AGCG, I assume you have also otherwise surely you would not be so blantantly coy...anyway...
Again I do not know your level of play but...
1. Drive down the lfet side of#3..blocked out by TREES
2. Drive down the left side of #9..blocked out by TREES
3. Drive down left side of # 14..blocked out bY TREES
4. Drive not long enough on # 18..blocked out by TREES
Also strategic trees have been planted on several hole, notably #13,and 17 , in order to make the player think where he wats to be off the tee.
If you dont consider some of your comments as critisism, it must be something to do with the difference in our upbringing, it sure reads like critisim to me, not that I consider that necessarily a bad thing, but you are obviously sensitive to that I will leave that one alone.
On the topic of intellect and reading ability, my intelect is not in question and if it comes to a pissing contest on that issue I suggest you put yours back inside your pants right now!!
Excuse me for missing out the word principle, but whilst on the topic of "non reading and comprehension"
I thought we had established that myself and TP agree trees in bunkers are not for I think the thirs time..we/I agree this is not a good thing...simple enough for you?
As for the tree impingement on # 17, at first I was inclined to agree with you, now that I know you can be a smart ass, so will I, hit it down the right side if you know the tree is there..just like I had to on # 14 at ANGC.
Yes, I was awre it was a nursery prior to being a golf course, however, the aerials still show a huge difference in the density and number of trees over the past 50 years..I believe it is something to do with this thing called growth, which funny enough also happened at Pine Valley.
My sources say this always happens when green plants get sunlight and water!!
Alas, no I have not played Sahallee all my info there is second hand from players who have played in the "Players" event held there, but they all seem to like it, but do say it is like an obstruction course through the trees.